» a tribute to time and space «
the zhang garden district portrays a memory of an active and colorful past, well known for inventing the 1st chinese-made bicycle. today the district reached a static and reminiscent present, leading to questions of future possibilities. how can we revive this historical district to become a lively, iconic, memorable space?
iconic traditional architecture slopes
the consistency of the multiple traditional slopes as the iconic architectural element of the zhang garden district guides us throughout all design disciplines.
aiming to show ambition to both reflect and pay tribute to the works’ surrounding. in contrast yet correlation to this physical reflectance of its surroundings the work’s various reflective mirrored pieces use perspectives and views of the historical space that are existent in order to achieve a higher understanding and appreciation of the Zhang Garden district.
the play with materiality, scale, reflection, and a manner of deconstruction. by using natural material mixed with an array of mirrored surfaces. a play with perception and a small-scale artificial landscape.
an easy and supportive orientation guide is a gesture of generosity leading visitors on an informative journey of exploration. bringing history back to life while generating a continuous future, activating the space.
zhang garden sculpture by formplan
» a tribute to time and space «
the zhang garden district portrays a memory of an active and colorful past, well known for inventing the 1st chinese-made bicycle. today the district reached a static and reminiscent present, leading to questions of future possibilities. how can we revive this historical district to become a lively, iconic, memorable space?
iconic traditional architecture slopes
the consistency of the multiple traditional slopes as the iconic architectural element of the zhang garden district guides us throughout all design disciplines.
aiming to show ambition to both reflect and pay tribute to the works’ surrounding. in contrast yet correlation to this physical reflectance of its surroundings the work’s various reflective mirrored pieces use perspectives and views of the historical space that are existent in order to achieve a higher understanding and appreciation of the Zhang Garden district.
the play with materiality, scale, reflection, and a manner of deconstruction. by using natural material mixed with an array of mirrored surfaces. a play with perception and a small-scale artificial landscape.
an easy and supportive orientation guide is a gesture of generosity leading visitors on an informative journey of exploration. bringing history back to life while generating a continuous future, activating the space.
we are formplan 福慕阁. we operate as a creative agency based in shanghai. our focus is on brand strategy, art direction, design and production across all platforms.
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formplan 福慕阁 our focus is on brand strategy, art direction, design, and production across all platforms. we operate as a creative agency based in shanghai.
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©2024 formplan ltd. the copyright for the content of this page is held exclusively by the designer. all rights reserved. no part of this website content may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopy or any storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.