»invisible architecture & visible neIghborhood«
the design of a modular system house h23 is intended for
a location near the equator.
project page
at the karma beach club we make our clothes 👕 from seaweed. from algae farmed in the ocean's 🌊 kelp forests. because seaweed feels soft 🫧 like cashmere. it soothes and heals the skin. it kills bacteria 🥷. it helps the body and the planet 🌏 breathe. 💯% plant-based performance. nice clothes for nice souls.
The poster set was created as part of a workshop with
Posters for Tomorrow.
The focus of the poster series is the scandalous tradition of female genital mutilation in Egypt.
As a design tool, one of the children's songs was applied here or modified thematically to address the issue.
2021. We have designed a series of posters for the International Theater Festival in Shanghai. The illustrations and situations represent the important themes of classical theater such as love and relationships, death and mortality, conflict and violence, identity and self-discovery, as well as power and politics. Due to the festival's international and multicultural background, the appearance played an important connecting role.
► formplan 🦚 nike. inc / converse
exploring methodologies linking creative processes within contexts of hyperlocal design. a fun offsite talk and exchange session by formplan with the converse / nike.inc shanghai team. look forward to exploring more intriguing thoughts together in the future. #thanksto @hasanboylu for having us.
► 探索在超本地化设计的背景下将创作过程连接起来的方法。这是formplan 与 converse / nike.inc 上海团队的一场有趣的场外谈话和交流会。期待在未来一起探索更多有趣的想法。 #thanksto感谢 @hasanboylu 邀请我们.
► we aim to create a positive working environment by sharing open spaces and using materials that promote a peaceful atmosphere. wallaby medical holding, inc. is a global medical technology company with over 250 employees in california and shanghai. our shanghai headquarters has three 2000 sqm stories, including an open space for research, offices, exhibitions, dining areas, meeting rooms, and flexible co-working spots. we prioritize safety for medical professionals through our ac-light-air circulation system.
我们认为本案空间设计的挑战之出在于如何将积极的工作环境作为主要关注点。共享空间,无需筑墙。创造一个方向感直观的空间。用材料营造出安静的氛围。开放空间的想法。这不是一个新想法,但在当下,开放空间比以往任何时候都更重要。这个想法需要在灵活的工作环境中展现出来。wallaby medical holding,inc .(简称“wallaby”)是一家全球创新医疗技术公司,专注于开发和商业化用于治疗中风的神经血管介入产品。成立于2015年,目前在加州拉古纳山和中国上海拥有超过250名员工。中国上海总部共有3层,每层2000平方米。3楼为研究、办公、展览、mensa、会议室和灵活的联合办公地点提供开放空间。我们特别关注 ac-light-air 循环系统,确保备受重视的医疗专业人士的安全。
► in the sign of constant urban transformation: we congratulate our client, stadt nach acht, on upcoming and future-oriented conferences in the city of dortmund! the nights - stadt nach acht conference 2022 // dortmund from 01.09.-02.09.2022 !!
#stadtplanung #nachtleben #transformation
► 城市不断转型的标志:为我们的客户 stadt nach acht 即将在多特蒙德市举办面向未来的会议致以诚挚的祝福!the nights - stadt nach acht conference 2022 // 多特蒙德 01.09.-02.09.2022 #stadtplanung #nachtleben #transformation
► the state of the art is a minimalist abstract gallery installation. the city scape transformed into the big »b« exhibition. the »b« as an iconic & recognizable brand stamp for bosideng. a high contrast in glossy, transparent and reflective materials to blur the lines between virtual realities and the physical reality. led screens, light boxes and mirrors are the highlights for a fluid reality immersive and interactive experience.
► 最先进的是一个极简抽象画廊装置。城市景观变成了大型“b”展览。“b”是波司登标志性的图标。高对比度的光滑,透明和反射材料模糊了虚拟现实和物理现实之间的界限。led屏幕,灯箱和镜子是一个流动现实的亮点,让人们有身临其境的互动体验。
This poster was created after one of the greatest musicians, David Bowie, had passed away.
»invisible architecture & visible neIghborhood«
the design of a modular system house h23 is intended for
a location near the equator.
project page
at the karma beach club we make our clothes 👕 from seaweed. from algae farmed in the ocean's 🌊 kelp forests. because seaweed feels soft 🫧 like cashmere. it soothes and heals the skin. it kills bacteria 🥷. it helps the body and the planet 🌏 breathe. 💯% plant-based performance. nice clothes for nice souls.
The poster set was created as part of a workshop with
Posters for Tomorrow.
The focus of the poster series is the scandalous tradition of female genital mutilation in Egypt.
As a design tool, one of the children's songs was applied here or modified thematically to address the issue.
2021. We have designed a series of posters for the International Theater Festival in Shanghai. The illustrations and situations represent the important themes of classical theater such as love and relationships, death and mortality, conflict and violence, identity and self-discovery, as well as power and politics. Due to the festival's international and multicultural background, the appearance played an important connecting role.
► formplan 🦚 nike. inc / converse
exploring methodologies linking creative processes within contexts of hyperlocal design. a fun offsite talk and exchange session by formplan with the converse / nike.inc shanghai team. look forward to exploring more intriguing thoughts together in the future. #thanksto @hasanboylu for having us.
► 探索在超本地化设计的背景下将创作过程连接起来的方法。这是formplan 与 converse / nike.inc 上海团队的一场有趣的场外谈话和交流会。期待在未来一起探索更多有趣的想法。 #thanksto感谢 @hasanboylu 邀请我们.
► we aim to create a positive working environment by sharing open spaces and using materials that promote a peaceful atmosphere. wallaby medical holding, inc. is a global medical technology company with over 250 employees in california and shanghai. our shanghai headquarters has three 2000 sqm stories, including an open space for research, offices, exhibitions, dining areas, meeting rooms, and flexible co-working spots. we prioritize safety for medical professionals through our ac-light-air circulation system.
我们认为本案空间设计的挑战之出在于如何将积极的工作环境作为主要关注点。共享空间,无需筑墙。创造一个方向感直观的空间。用材料营造出安静的氛围。开放空间的想法。这不是一个新想法,但在当下,开放空间比以往任何时候都更重要。这个想法需要在灵活的工作环境中展现出来。wallaby medical holding,inc .(简称“wallaby”)是一家全球创新医疗技术公司,专注于开发和商业化用于治疗中风的神经血管介入产品。成立于2015年,目前在加州拉古纳山和中国上海拥有超过250名员工。中国上海总部共有3层,每层2000平方米。3楼为研究、办公、展览、mensa、会议室和灵活的联合办公地点提供开放空间。我们特别关注 ac-light-air 循环系统,确保备受重视的医疗专业人士的安全。
► the state of the art is a minimalist abstract gallery installation. the city scape transformed into the big »b« exhibition. the »b« as an iconic & recognizable brand stamp for bosideng. a high contrast in glossy, transparent and reflective materials to blur the lines between virtual realities and the physical reality. led screens, light boxes and mirrors are the highlights for a fluid reality immersive and interactive experience.
► 最先进的是一个极简抽象画廊装置。城市景观变成了大型“b”展览。“b”是波司登标志性的图标。高对比度的光滑,透明和反射材料模糊了虚拟现实和物理现实之间的界限。led屏幕,灯箱和镜子是一个流动现实的亮点,让人们有身临其境的互动体验。
► in the sign of constant urban transformation: we congratulate our client, stadt nach acht, on upcoming and future-oriented conferences in the city of dortmund! the nights - stadt nach acht conference 2022 // dortmund from 01.09.-02.09.2022 !!
#stadtplanung #nachtleben #transformation
► 城市不断转型的标志:为我们的客户 stadt nach acht 即将在多特蒙德市举办面向未来的会议致以诚挚的祝福!the nights - stadt nach acht conference 2022 // 多特蒙德 01.09.-02.09.2022 #stadtplanung #nachtleben #transformation
This poster was created after one of the greatest musicians, David Bowie, had passed away.